Thursday, April 5, 2018

E is for Eagle


Everyone asks us what we miss the most living so far away from where we grew up. It has taken me awhile to realize it, but it dawned on me recently. What I really miss is the wild life. Especially my Eagles!  We had a pair of Eagles that nested in an old pine tree near our house and both male and female stopped often in our yard to rest or to eat on the way back to the nest. Every year they brought the young eagles to our tree to practice landing and hunting for fish in the river. So I got to spend a lot of time watching and photographing them. T
Although they never got totally comfortable with my presence as long as I kept a very respectful distance the ignored me and allowed me to share the space with them. 

Here in Hawaii there are only two native birds of prey and I am lucky enough to often see both of them at our place. We see a pair of IO or Hawaiian Hawks hunting our field almost every day. 
IO - Hawaiian Hawk

And the Pueo or  Native Owl only hunts in day time so is easy to find as he searches for field mice.
Pueo - Hawaiian Short Eared Owl

But nothing will ever really replace for my the sight and sound of a Bald Eagle as it soars over head or struggles with an Osprey over just who really owns that fish.


  1. And there's yet another thing that hadn't occurred to me about Hawaii - its very limited bird of prey population.
    I can well imagine that you miss your eagles. The Pueo is actually quite cute, but I guess that's not the look we really want in a bird of prey :) E is for (The) End of Absence

    1. The Pueo is what I seach for now. I sort of know a few hunting grounds so know where I have a good chance to find them. Always a challenge. I love the hunt.

  2. eagles and no snakes. Wow!

    Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
    A to Z Flash Fiction Stories|A to Z of Goldendoodles

    1. We are the most isolated Island so there were very few native animals. And what was here is very endangered by invasive species.

  3. Goodness that Pueo is adorable. It had to be so nice to see the Eagles so frequently in your old home. I would miss them, too.

    Emily In Ecuador | Emily in Puerto Lopez

    1. I have been an animal lover my whole life. Moving here just changed the animals that I study and photograph.

  4. I enjoy the many ospreys in our area. There are a few eagles too, but only in the parks, not around busy urban life.

    1. Osprey were so common in Delaware they were almmost a pest. But I loved watching there chicks grow every year.

    2. One of the reasons I had a hard time living in Cities was the lack of open space and wildlife.

  5. I would miss our eagles, osprey and owls here in Maine but, like you, I’d just find new birds to watch! What an adventure to retire so far away. I’d mostly miss my kids and grandchildren, though!

  6. Eagles and ospreys are magnificent birds - none in our area unfortunately.
