Sunday, April 1, 2018

A is for ALOHA


From Delaware to Hawi 


Traveling 5000 miles to find home and comfort may seem odd to some but that is exactly what happened to my husband and I.  We had no idea our hearts belonged to Hawaii until we visited Maui in 1989. But by the end of our three week trip we knew we were leaving part of ourselves behind as we sadly climbed the steps of the plane that would fly us away from what we had discovered would someday be our home. We were full of dreams and plans on that flight back to Delaware and at that time we had no idea that life would get in the way and it would take us almost 25 years to make this dream a reality.
We continued to visit different Islands in Hawaii each year on vacation until we found a place that   began to call us back year after year. It seemed we had found our version of  the ALOHA spirit, the friendly feeling of the community and embrace of the rural Island life suited us perfectly.
We purchased a Condo in Waikoloa that I was able to use in the winter, as I could work long distance thanks to computers, and we used as a vacation rental when we were not able to be on Island. Every visit we were on the Island we spent lots of time exploring. After going out to lunch in Hawi we did our usual drive around exploring the communities. We were struck with the amazing beauty of the rolling green hills and parked at the end of a Cul-de-sac. We noticed a house next to us seemed empty and a sign in the yard had fallen over. We got out of the car and very much unlike ourselves we picked up the sign and called our real estate agent to find out more about this house.

To make a long story shorter by  May of 2012 we were the owners of a home in North Kohala on Hawai'i Island. and even though it would be three years before our move would be complete we were on our way to our RETIREMENT and a new exciting future. The Fun had just begun and has continued. It has been lots of work, but we have enjoyed making this place into our home.
Our place of ALOHA


  1. Aloha to you, Nancy! I love your story of making your dream a reality. And you did it so thoughtfully and carefully - years of time exploring and time actually living there. Sometimes I think when we find our house the way you found yours (and the way I found mine), it was just clearly 'meant to be.' The older I get, the more I am captivated by life's unexpected synchronicities.
    You're off to a great start with the challenge, Nancy. I look forward to reading tomorrow's post.

  2. Aloha, Nancy! I am so going to enjoy reading your A to Z. Having only been able to visit one island via a helicopter tour (I was sick our entire Hawaii cruise), I look forward to seeing it through your eyes. I've really enjoyed writing my mystery books set there!

    Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
    A to Z Flash Fiction Stories|A to Z of Goldendoodles

  3. What a wonderful adventure! And to do it at 65 (which is my age) is inspiring, to say the least! Good for you...I'll look forward to reading more!
